Should Christians vote Democrat or Republican?
Should Christians keep the Sabbath?
Should Christians attend a gay wedding?
Should Christians decorate their bodies with tattoos?
Common questions asked in Christian circles - gay weddings, tattoos, vote democrat or republican, drinking alcohol, smoke cigars, watch R-rated movies or MMA, dancing, keep the sabbath, eat pork, homeschool or not, and celebrating holidays.
What is heaven? Who goes to heaven? Will we see God in heaven? What will a person experience in heaven? Are there extra rewards in heaven for some? What about claims of a death experience of going to heaven?
Are there good and bad examples of a child under discipline in scripture? Does God discipline nations?
Spare the rod or not? Whose job is it to discipline, mom or dad? plus real-life examples!
Did I choose God? Why evangelize if I'm chosen? What about free will? God's not fair! What's this doctrine supposed to do?
Is hell eternal? What is hell - a place or condition? Can I party with my friends in hell? What happens in hell? Doesn't "eternal" only refer to a long time, not eternity? Do we have any proof of hell?
A brief bio of our chief servant, how Christ came to him, and brought others along to influence a delusion young man.