Topics > Canon
A collection of Bible studies on the canonization of the Bible; that is, how it came into being, and why the Textus Receptus is reliable beyond question - even beyond the universally-recognized provenance of secular historical documents.
The late Edward F. Hills (1912-1981) comprehensive work, "The King James Version Defended: A Christian View of the New Testament Manuscripts", presents a compelling argument for the KJV and old tradition. What makes the KJV worth defending is that it is the only translation of the ecclesiastical text (i.e., the textus receptus) other than Young's Literal 2nd edition and Greens. A scholarly yet readable introduction by the late Dr. David P. Letis is worth your time. Hills was a well trained classicist and internationally recognized New Testament text critic who analyzed the problems of modern language translations and Westscott-Hort text criticism methodology. This book is a must-have for any pastor's study.
(PDF - 225 pgs; 4th edition)
(PDF - 225 pgs; 4th edition)
Dr. P. S. Ferguson is with the Bible Presbyterian Church in Singapore, and offers some powerful insights into the strength of the Textus Receptus. This is a cross-post from the Puritan Board. Yellow highlights are mine.