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The glorious internal change producing a brand new believer. The second birth at work!
When someone hears the Word of God and converts, that is evidence of an internal call of the Holy Spirit.
We look at the preparatory work of the Spirit, known as a call to obey the gospel.
The general, non-saving operations of God the Holy Spirit.
This study addresses for whom Christ died. (Topics under Assorted TULIPs also have related studies.)
It satisfied God, was a vicarious atonement, and required Jesus' obedience.
Was a bloody death on a cross really necessary? Couldn't there have been another way? Actually, no.
Jesus rules over the whole world as King, but is He also their redeemer?
A priest's job, and how Jesus exercises His priestly office.
The nature of a prophet, and the claims Jesus made indicating His prophetic office.