Please click below to view any of the articles in our archive.

Elimelech jumped out of the frying pan into the fire. Bad move.

(Video -- 48 mins; plus Study - 4 pgs; Feb 2020)
What we think we need; what God says we need; and what I have in Christ.

(Video -- 62 mins; and PDF of notes -- 19 pgs; 2016)
What is the believer's rule of life, if it isn't the law -- or moral law, or 10 commandments? Turns out, the Apostle Paul spoke often about this, and it is surprising that many Christians still can't articulate their rule of life.

(Video -- 49 mins; plus Study -- 4 pgs; Jan 2020)
The Westminster Confession of Faith (WCF), a standard baseline for Reformed, Congregational and Baptist churches, has a weakness in its explanation of the law of God, which can lead to despair and hopelessness.

(Video -- 62 mins; plus Study - 4 pgs; plus Handout - 2 pages; Jan 2020)
Take the test. See if you are a true Christian.

(Video -- 60 mins; plus Study - 5 pgs; Jan 2020)
True believers maintain close fellowship, in spite of circumstances which the world would count against us.

(Video -- 57 mins; plus Study -- 3 pgs; Jan 2020)
The Bible teaches us to honor our father and mother, but what if they're unsaved? Do I totally separate and have nothing to do with them? What are the rules of engagement? Part 2 of a 2-part study.

(Video -- 65 mins; plus Study - 4 pgs; Dec 2019)
God saves you, but not your parents. How am I to relate to them? What can we learn from Jesus' example? Part 1 of a 2-part study.

(Video -- 59 mins; plus Study - 3 pgs; Dec 2019)
Fifteen Old Testament prophecies of Christ's birth.

(PDF - 4 pages - Dec 2019)
Part 3: We review the three legal reasons why God insists on male-only headship, and discover that head scarves are a poor substitute.

(Video -- 52 mins; plus Study - 5 pgs; Nov 2019)