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Be encouraged by the sure promises of God for your eternal destiny described in Hebrews 6:16, knowing that He is the solid rock of your salvation. God holds His name in confirmation of His promises.
Which one of Abraham's life trials are we encouraged to similarly expect and endure?
What would it take to keep you in a difficult job?
The lives of the converted Hebrews echoed their salvation; does yours?
If the foundation collapses, was it ever sound?
We look at three more "mudsill plate" doctrines built on the foundation of Christ: imputation, resuurection of the dead, and eternal judgment.
A mudsill plate is what connects a house's foundation to the rest of the building. Here we review three basic doctrines: repentance, faith and baptisms (plural).
Are you content to be an adult child still drinking milk? Or will you seek for the meat of the word?
Christ is the author of our salvation, who perfects His people. But how?
How is it that Christ, God incarnate, could learn obedience?