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Four historical facts about the resurrection of Jesus. Great study for Easter time!
The idea of a 1,000 year reign of Christ over both saved and unsaved on this earth is closely examined.
Jesus won't come until several things happen first. Hint: they haven't all occurred just yet.
We take a detailed look at the second half of the Olivet Discourse recorded in Luke 21:25-33
An analysis on the first half of Jesus' teaching at the Mount of Olives based on Luke 21:5-24.
Jesus' return is a single event, for five good reasons.
We are indebted to Dr. Robert Whitelaw for assembling this most useful table of final events as they relate to the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

(Table - 1 pg; 1974)
We look at three specific terms used to describe Jesus' second coming.
The Bible is clear: Jesus said He is coming again.
Some dismiss God's wrath as excessive, but He doesn't think so.